Safety in all kinds of flight relies on a pilot's knowledge, proficiency, and currency in their aircraft. Formation flying is no different. Pilots participating in formation flight must understand formation procedures, be proficient at flying and formation techniques, and practice safety in every flight.
To support safety in flight, the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh organizes regional formation clinics in advance of the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh. These regional clinics serve to provide formation practice, and to give pilots the opportunity to demonstrate formation proficiency in advance of the Caravan to Oshkosh, which is not a practice event.
To fly in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh, pilots must have participated in a formation clinic and demonstrated formation proficiency with a designated Mooney Caravan Safety Observer. This demonstration of safe formation flying skills is mandatory before flying in the mass formation. (Pilots who are unable to attend regional formation clinic may arrange an alternative forum in which to demonstrate the required proficiency and currency.)
During a formation clinic, pilots can expect to fly with a Mooney Caravan Safety Observer, who will assess formation proficiency. Proficiency and techniques are evaluated in accordance with the guidelines linked on the
Formation Flying page.