Learn about Formation Flying
On this page are the materials that explain formation concepts you need to review and understand BEFORE arriving at a formation clinic. These materials describe formation flying principles, terminology, and techniques, as well as Mooney Caravan-specific procedures. You must have read and try to understand the basic formation information in these materials before you arrive at a clinic.
At some point at a clinic, you should ride as a passenger with an experienced Mooney Caravan formation pilot who will demonstrate these techniques and procedures in practice. At each clinic, there are experienced formation pilots designated by our Safety Committee to serve as Safety Observers ("SOs"). These SOs are experienced formators chosen by the Mooney Caravan for their ability to ride in your right seat, coach you on your application of formation techniques and procedures, and help you recognize and prevent an unsafe aircraft state from developing.
To fly in a Caravan, one must demonstrate proficiency at the tasks identified in the appropriate "Proficiency Levels" category (wing or element lead) to one of our named Safety Observers in the calendar year of the current Caravan.
Your Safety Observer (SO) is an experienced formator in GA aircraft. The SO will answer your questions about the written materials, help you with any questions, and share their tips on procedures and maneuvers.
All Mooney Caravan Safety Observers are listed in the document below. Upon you demonstrating proficiency in the Caravan maneuvers, the SO will ensure you are cleared for the mass arrival flight to Oshkosh!
Mooney Caravan Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
The Mooney Caravan Quick Reference Guide (QRG) describes formation terminology, procedures, and sight lines necessary to safely fly at Mooney Caravan events. The QRG contains two other assets, the Go/No-Go tool and the formation briefing card, that can both be found independently on this page.
Go/No-Go Decision Tool
Every Caravan flight is conducted using this Risk Assessment matrix. Your Safety Observer will explain and demonstrate the use of the risk assessment matrix, but print and bring a copy with you and become familiar with its use.

Practice Flight Risk Assessment "GO/NO GO" Decision Tool (PDF, PNG)
Briefing Card
Every Caravan flight is briefed and debriefed using a written tool designated for that purpose. There are numerous forms that may be used. These are the standard the Mooney Caravan uses. Print several copies and keep in your flight bag.
Mooney Caravan Formation Briefing Card (PDF, XLS)
Mooney Caravan Wing and Lead checklists (2025)
The Mooney Caravan Wing and Lead checklists lists the maneuvers and competencies that Mooney Caravan pilots must demonstrate to receive a proficiency signoff at the Wing and Lead level. These checklists are intended as a reference for Mooney Caravan Safety Observers and as informative material for Wing and Lead candidates. The maneuvers in these checklists are described in the QRG, linked above.
Basic Formation Proficiency Levels
This document explains what the standards of proficiency and currency must be demonstrated for participation as a wing and as a lead in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh mass arrival, as well as to act as a Safety Observer to help coach others practice to achieve and/or maintain that proficiency.
A new formator will be able to fly as an element wing in the Caravan ("Level 1" or blue square) only after demonstrating to a designated Safety Observer (on the Safety Observer List above) within the previous six months proficiency in the following tasks:
- Maintaining safe, stable fingertip and route wing positions in a 2-ship flight without Safety Observer coaching.
- Safely executing maneuvers including element and interval takeoff, straight-ahead rejoin, cross under, climb, descent, level turn, echelon turn, element landing, overhead break to landing, knock it off, blind, break out and others.
Before your first formation flying clinic...
Show up at the clinic having read these materials. Write questions down and bring them, or call ahead and talk through your questions with a clinic lead or Safety Observer. Everyone putting on a clinic is volunteering, so please respect their time. If you are not prepared, it will be immediately evident, and instead of flying, you will be reading. So please show up ready to brief.
Remember, at a clinic, YOU ARE PIC! The FAA has no "formation endorsement". The Caravan does not provide formation training. And while some Safety Observers are Certified Flight Instructors, many excellent and experienced Safety Observers are not. YOU are responsible for your experience. Show up prepared, ready to learn new ideas, accepts critiques, and you will have the most fun you will ever have in your Mooney. Be advised, you may end up pursuing more advanced formation experience, and for some Mooney pilots, their Caravan experience launched them on a path to more advanced formation flying, including warbird flying and aerobatics.