Are there not enough Formation Pilots in your area? Are the clinics just too far away, even for Mooney drivers? These and many other problems can be easily solved by hosting your own clinic. The Mooney Caravan board and organization are happy to support local groups of Mooney pilots who want to hold local clinics. On this page you'll find documents and resources you'll need to organize and host your own Mooney Caravan clinic. Start with the Clinic in a Box document and get started planning your clinic. Also, feel free to reach out to the Mooney Caravan leadership with any questions you might have. Contact information for Caravan leadership can be found on the
About Us page.
As regional clinics have been developed and are proposed across North America, it's important for Mooney Caravan leadership and Flight Operations to have oversight and assure adherence to our
standardized formation protocols. Each Mooney Caravan sanctioned practice clinic will have an on-site representative from Flight Operations and a board member. This will assure that the flight quality is consistent with our published guidelines. Also, this aids in a consistent theme for our culture. If you're planning a new regional clinic, please reach out to Flight Operations for guidance and formulation of your clinic team.
Clinic in a Box
Here is a proven system to host a regional clinic. Reviews organizational, operational considerations, and financial planning. This will guide you through selecting a facility and location, registration, event planning, volunteers, and staffing.